Rothenburg ob der tauber at Das Plonein
Mary's travel site

A little about me

Hey, I'm glad you stopped by my website! It's awesome to connect with someone who shares the same passion for exploring. I mean, you're here reading this, right? That tells me we're cut from the same cloth.

My name is Mary by the way, and I started Inquisitive Globetrotter to help others travel.

There's something truly magical about discovering new places and soaking in breathtaking views, don't you think? It's like each adventure adds a new chapter to our personal stories.

Inquisitive Globetrotter is a customized labor of love, by yours truly.

It's where I spill all the beans on travel! Right from the beginning stagings of planning a trip to the adventure travel must-dos, I've thrown in plenty of pictures for you along the way for inspiration.
Mary's travel site
Travel views Alaska

Why I Love Travel

Travel is life-changing. It offers so many opportunities for personal growth and meaningful connections with others.

Personal growth

Travel pushes us outside of our comfort zones.

It provides the opportunity to discover ourselves and see the world in new ways. It's where we grow by trying new things and having one-of-a-kind adventures

Connection with Others

Meaningful travel transcends mere destination-hopping.

It isn't about going from one place to another. It's about forming connections through real experiences and stories that motivate others to take on their own adventures.
Swirl Divider

My Favorites For...

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Tell me more!

I’m a North Carolina native, and I must say that I come by my love for adventure quite naturally!

Growing up in a big family on a farm with lots of woods to get lost in meant one thing: adventure was always on the agenda.

I pretty much grew up outside. Whether it was out at the barn with the horses, playing with my dogs, running away from the mean rooster, building forts in the woods, you name it, outdoor fun was our way of life. With plenty of playmates around (AKA my siblings), we were always up to something.

I’m one of 9 kids, and I’m the youngest out of the girls in my family. I do have younger brothers, but they’re all much taller than me so I must say I definitely look up to my little brothers. Being the baby girl though with younger brothers who are all much taller than me is really like being the baby of the family. Yep, it’s a pretty sweet spot, and I am claiming it!
Traveling has shown itself to me to be a fabulous teacher. It not only enriches my learning experience, but it also fosters creativity and helps me see situations with fresh perspectives or from other points of view.

Travel adventures bring people together in a unique way. An adventure with a group of people allows you to spend time with others that you would never be able to have outside of that adventure.

You have the waiting time in the airport or on a train, and the time at breakfast where you get to share stories and create new memories.

Traveling has done so much for me. It has taught me to be brave when I was alone. It has taught me to be resourceful. It has required me to be creative and find solutions that otherwise I wouldn’t have ever had to discover.
Traveling is a great source of joy to me. I get incredibly excited to go on an adventure. No two adventures, even to the same place, are ever the same.

There is no repeat of a trip. Even if you go to the same place with the same people and do the same activities, you can never replicate a previous trip exactly.

Things change. Phases of life are just that — they’re beautiful, fleeting phases. The next time you go on that annual trip (even if you've been there a dozen times before), you will be different from the last time you visited. You will be a year older. You will have one more year of memories filled with both happy, joy-filled moments along with new painful experiences that are now part of your story.

I don’t say this to make us sad, but rather, it's a gentle reminder to us all that time passes regardless of how we spend it. I am resolved to utilize my most valuable asset in a way that is in alignment with my purpose in bringing glory to God. Keeping Christ at the center of everything I do motivates me to make the absolute most out of every moment with the people I love.  

If you stay on my sight long, you will find that I love writing, and the Inquisitive Globetrotter gives me the opportunity to get my thoughts out and not keep them all in my head. I love to learn from others and share what I too! Hopefully by doing so, you can find some travel nuggets here that will come in handy for you as you plan and prepare for your own travel adventures. Happy exploring!
Swirl Divider
Rock climbing
Mary with a horse
meaning in a name

Inquisitive Globetrotter

Inquisitive globetrotters are curious and eager to explore the world.

We're not just content with visiting tourist attractions. We dive deeper into different cultures, traditions, and experiences.

We ask questions, seek understanding, and embrace the adventure of travel with an open mind and a thirst for knowledge.
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